Monday, May 12, 2008

When Kiwis Attack

Last night's Crowded House concert was predictably strong, with the reunited band in fine form and exceptional spirits. They even played a whopping six unreleased songs, nearly half a potential album's worth. Of course, the music is only part of the Crowded House live experience, which stresses hilarious banter as much as melody. At one point, after rambling for what seemed like several minutes, singer Neil Finn, rhetorically, "What do you do when you've said too much?"

He immediately answered: "If you're Hillary Clinton, you just keep talking."

"Don't know what to make of that one, do you?" he asked the crowd with the smug comfort level of someone who goes home safe and sound to New Zealand at the end of each tour, where "America" may as well be a reality TV show.

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